Baby's size? Baby is the size of a turnip - 5 inches
This, my friends, is a turnip:
Weight gain? 7 lbs
Sleep? Now that I'm working 6am - 6pm, 6 days a week, I am sleeping like a CHAMP! And I love it!
Foods I am loving? Lemonade, cold cheese, Dr. Pepper, cold fruit
Foods I am hating? Same old bacon, coffee, and fast food
Best moment this week? Hearing the heart beat today!!! It is such a relief to know that the bun is still baking in the oven! AND I think I may have FELT baby - I will update when it happens again!
Symptoms? I'm a broken record - nausea is still hanging on, but better with each day. Nasal congestion, although it's hard to tell if that is the pregnancy (which has been known to happen) or the weather change.
Gender? Getting closer! But EVERYTHING says it's a girl - so I already feel like I know!! I'm gonna add a poll in the next couple of days to see what YOU GUYS think it is!
What I miss? Nothing at the moment :)
What I'm looking forward to? Gender revealment! DEFINITELY feeling baby
Emotions: I'm so busy with work-school lately, it is really strange not to be completely consumed by this pregnancy. I spent 4 weeks sick on the couch thinking about the baby all the time, so I almost felt guilty going back to work and "forgetting" I was pregnant. It has made the time go by SO much faster, though! I can't believe that we are almost half-way there!