Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bad momma

Yesterday was a rough day.
I had just gotten off my 30 hr shift, and I went to pick Declan up from Patricks parents. When we got home, I had just finished feeding him, and we were sitting on the couch. Declan was laying on the couch.

I turned my head for one second, and heard a loud thud. I looked over in a panic, already realizing what had just happened. Declan rolled off the couch, onto our hardwood floors.

I immediately scooped him up, and tried to console him. He cried for about 5 minutes, and then wanted to go to sleep. I put him in his carseat and drove him to LeBonheur.

By the time we got there, he was resting comfortably, and I was a wreck. The initial assessment by the nurses was that he was fine, but they were going to let the doctors take a look at him.

We were taken to a room, and Patrick met us there soon after. Declan perked up really quickly, and was having a good old time.

YouTube Video

We saw the resident first. I immediately recognized him, as I'm currently on my rotation at LeBonheur. He was great, and expressed no concern. The attending ED physician came in and saw him, and said we didn't need any imaging, as he appeared perfectly fine and there is always a risk to any imaging. What a relief!

By the time we were discharged, Declan was worn out!

I should say that I feel so guilty about this experience. I know that it can happen to anyone, but it doesn't make it any easier to see your baby in fear and pain. I will never forget the look on his face when I looked over and saw him on the floor!

One of the points that the physician made was that you should always be prepared a month ahead. If you think your babe is going to roll in the next month, be more careful leaving him on elevated places. If you think that he will crawl soon, don't leave anything dangerous on the floor.

So I hope this advice helps prevent some of my mommy friends from having a similar experience!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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