Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's in My Bag?

My fabulous friend Jamie revealed to us what was in her bag, and she tagged me, so here I am, sharing my bag with the world...

And this is my sad, little (actually not so little) bag. She's old and cheap and she's kind of "fug", but she serves her purpose:

Of course, I have to carry my books, highlighters, thumb drive, and pens everywhere I go:

And I never go anywhere these days without coffee, water, Odwalla bars, and my stethoscope:

And finally, my wallet, planner, cell phone, head phones, sunglasses, and lip glosses:

So, I hope y'all enjoyed taking a peek in my bag. What's in your bag?

I am especially interested to see:
1. Courtney
2. Springer
3. Rachel Buckley
4. Jessica Prier
5. Amy Grace


  1. oh i love these! i've read all of them! why is it so interesting what people have in their purse?

  2. mine is so non interesting. and after reading all of these, I'm super embarassed of how ugly my purse is.
