Sunday, July 3, 2011


I know that I am going to regret it as soon as I type this, but sleep is going great!!

When Declan was born, he was waking up every 3 hrs initially. At 9 weeks, he started waking up twice a night, at 2 and 5. Now, for the last few weeks, Declan has been sleeping from 9 to about 5:30 or 6.

He takes multiple naps throughout the day, usually lasting 30-45 minutes. He has one afternoon nap that lasts 2-3 hrs.

Declan slept in our room until he was 15 weeks old. He slept in the newborn part of the pack n play, and then we started putting him in the swing when he didn't fit in that anymore. Now he sleeps in his swing in his own room. We are going to transition him to his crib eventually, but we are enjoying the sleep too much right now!!

We are currently working on good sleep habits. We no longer allow him to fall asleep or sleep in our arms. We put him down right as he is getting sleepy. Apparently, this is important in teaching him how to self soothe. That way, when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he can soothe himself back to sleep.

We also do not allow him to fall asleep while or right after eating. We follow the Eat-Play-Sleep routine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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